Technical information section

Technical  information  section. Head of the Technical  information  section Myroslava Kozak. Technical  information section was founded  in  2011 as the part of oil and gas geology  division 11 employees are working at the division. Taking into account the importance of adoption of scientific  achievements in practice, the work of the division is directed to the following:
  • to provide subdivisions of the Institute with information about domestic and world achievements of science and technology in the geological branch;
  • dissemination and propagation of scientific and technical achievements: organizing  and  conducting of  conferences,  lectures, seminars and  meeting of the Institute;
  • preparation of  information and  advertising materials  for  publication, catalogues,  projects, monographs, collections of scientific works of the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible  Minerals of National  Academy  of Science of Ukraine,  bibliographical  reference books  of the  employees`   work  and   individual bibliographical  lists published   by  the
  • replenishing the web-site of the Institute  in the Internet.
  • setting up archived
Employees of the division are engaged in editorial-publishing work and preparation of the journal  named ‘’ Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible  Minerals’’  which is  a  professional  issue for publication.